
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Top 10 things my family did to stay fit and healthy - Featured Blogger on Rudi's Organic Bakery

As a busy working mother, I feel it is very important to lead by example at work, as well as at home. It seems like I am always searching for different ways to share my experiences, goals and passion for life with all who will listen (including my family).

Speaking of my family, I cherish the time I get to spend with them. But, I will admit I have those moments when life gets overwhelming and I would love to go back and hide in the comfort of my bed. I am sure many of you can relate. Yet even when those feelings strike – strike back and get busy with a special activity that everyone in your family will love!

Each and every moment spent with your family with help strengthen your love and commitment to them. And it will encourage you to live each day as if it could be your last…so make a positive impact!

Check out my weekly recap of the top 10 things my family did to stay fit and healthy:
1.) A fun trip to a state park to go paddle boating – exercise without even realizing it because everyone is having too much fun!

We also tried to take a Hot Air balloon ride - but the wind picked up and they stopped.
2.) Packing healthy food choices on our trip away from home including: organic apples, granola bars and lots of water.

3.) Filling up the pool in our backyard to allow for hours and hours of playing and swimming – yeah for exercise!

4.) Taking a rest in the afternoon to recharge our batteries and to make the rest of our day go smoothly – very important with managing small children.

5.) I started keeping healthy organic veggies on our kitchen table in a bowl of water to keep them fresh and crisp. Wow, I am thrilled to see how quickly the celery, carrots and broccoli are disappearing.

6.) We went to church on Sunday. I feel spiritual wellbeing is a must to have a well-balanced and healthy life.

7.) We played ball with our two dogs. It is a great way to get our bodies moving, as well as our pets. It also helps teach responsibility.

8.) We had many family meals together and continued to make healthier food choices, including the most amazing French Toast with fresh organic fruit. (If you want to add some extra flavor to your French toast, why not try Rudi’s Organic Cinnamon Raisin Bread?)

9.) A good night’s sleep for everyone!

10.) I am leading by example by making healthier food choices and working out daily. My boys are noticing and asking lots of questions, which allows me to educate them on the importance of being healthy, and how to take steps to reach goals.

What have you done this past week to be fit and healthy? How about your family?

You can see this featured post on Rudi's Organic Blog...Click here.

1 comment:

  1. Staying fit and Healthy is important for the health of the heart and organs that keep us functioning every day! Everyone can incorporate into a day!
    Staying Fit


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